Thursday, December 15, 2011

Before And After The Best Meals of Disease Signaling 4 Things to

By Serena Du on January 28, 2011

Before and After the Best Meals of Disease Signaling 4 Things to do

Introduction: the digestive system, endocrine system diseases, patients often respond before meals and after meals. So do not ignore the feeling appears before eating a meal, these feelings may help you identify some of the hidden earlier diseases, so as not to delay treatment.

Stomach diseases - or hungry after eating
if after eating or when hungry stomach pain, or fullness after eating regularly, belching, may be suffering from gastritis performance.

After the meal onset or worsening stomach pain, will have to pay attention to whether had gastric ulcer. In general, the gastric ulcer patients after consumption of basic foods reduce pain.

If the meal there antithetic acid, heartburn, belching, chest pain, it is gastro esophageal reflux symptoms. Usually such people should avoid eating too much, to eat liquid food.

Stomach discomfort after meals, or if there is increased abdominal belching, especially after a meal events or the symptoms more obvious when standing, and supine can reduce post, we should pay attention to whether suffering from posies of the stomach. Body slim, especially those who, more likely to gastrostomies.These are not suitable "After dinner take a walk," usually pay attention to Eat small meals often, preferably after a meal supine rest for half an hour.

Some have had stomach problems in the past history, recent symptoms of sudden changes, or there is easy hunger, satiety, symptoms, and the face, physical strength is getting worse, these may be the signal of gastric cancer.

Abdominal disease - or at night when you are hungry
Or at night when hungry often feel abdominal pain after eating can alleviate these symptoms tend to be afflicted with duodenal ulcer.

If you eat a little spicy, greasy, cold food, drink a little, his stomach is not comfortable; or a meal is easy to diarrhea, and diarrhea or diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain before, bowel, diarrhea,cartier love necklace, abdominal pain, and flu will reduce the post, these aresymptoms of intestinal dysfunction. Stool in time to the hospital for examination or chronoscope to rule out whether there is an intestinal infection or intestinal organic disease.

Billiard tract disease - after eating greasy food
after eating greasy food, and right upper quadrant pain radiating to the right shoulder, is suffering the performance of cholecystitis or cholelithiasis.Especially love to eat greasy food, obesity, people who do not eat breakfast, but also pay attention to prevention of these diseases.

Hyperthyroidism - eat more, people lose weight
Appetite in patients with hyperthyroidism are generally very good, pleasant has continued to lose weight, temperament is also growing, but will be accompanied by exophthalmoses, neck thickening, or palpitation, heat intolerance, sweating,cartier love bracelet 18k yellow gold, insomnia and other symptoms.

Diabetes - "Chronicles"
The "more than three" - more food, more drinking, more urine, "one less" - weight loss, and feel malaise, dry mouth, this is the typical symptoms of diabetes. Such patients often want to keep drinking water, and like to eat sweets.

Health cares than before meals, after meals 4 the best thing to do before meals
1. Movement - good meals
Empty belly before eating, no new fat cells into fatty acids, can exercise its "mobilization" out into the heat and consumed.1 hour before meals, fast walking or jogging, for 30 to 45 minutes better than exercise after eating much better.

2. Fruit - good meals
Eat fruit after a meal the body will be asked to eat the food blockade in the stomach, resulting in fermentation reactions and even corruption, people appear flatulence, constipation and other symptoms, adverse effects to the digestive function. If you put the time to eat fruit before eating, on the immune system, and to eat fruit after a meal is no such health effects.

3. Nap - well before meals
People flock to intestinal blood after meals to help digest food, resulting in blood flow to the brain and extremities to reduce the brain and body will not get enough oxygen and nutrient supply, lactic acid and other metabolites can not be discharged in time, can lead to indigestion symptoms.

If the change before meals, sleep, eat fruit or a glass of milk before going to bed after half an hour to 1 hour nap, then lunch, so lunch can be more effectively eliminate fatigue.

4. Soup - good meals
Many people used to eat dinner and then soup, and soup before meals can give oral, esophagus, stomach, intestines and other food must pass through the channel plus point "lubricant" so that a smooth swallow food, the digestion of food in order to reduce hardware mucosal stimulation.

Tips: bending over after meals three times to relieve bloating
In patients with flatulence, you can turn a meal three times a day waist, bend to 90 degrees each, together with the indoor or outdoor walking 10 to 30 minutes to ease.
Experts explain the bending action; can make food into the tantrum, coupled with the ease of movement, which can promote digestion

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